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This short video is an example of the type of work we did in a 7th and 8th grade choir I taught in Salt Lake City .

 We had covered a Daft Punk song the semester before and performed it live while a student directed film was being projected behind us. Because of the success of that multimedia project some of the students wanted to do a concert comprised of only robot music unified by a narrative 15 min film. The students wrote, produced, and directed the film. They also recorded music and prepared music to play live with the showing of the film. What you see here is a few of the scenes from the film with some of the music that they recorded. 

Teaching Examples 

While at Arizona State University I have had the opportunity to work with the excellent musicians and pre-service teachers in The Digital Hybrid Lab. The Digital Hybrid Lab is a class for music education undergraduates that examines the intersection of music, teaching, and technology. I have taken a project-based learning approach in this class. For instance, in semesters past I designed a project asking students, in groups of 4, to make a pilot for an educational web-show that examines musical engagement. The students chose their own topic and target audience. They were required to reflect on the experience weekly based on prompts that I designed to help them think about teaching in future contexts and the intersection of music, teaching, and technology. This project-based approach allows students to learn skills on a variety of technologies and apply them as they engage in real world contexts. This semester, students in the course will be engaging with students in a local school orchestra on a project that involves processing and manipulating live sound using Ableton Push midi controllers. 

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